Breast Surgical Options
Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation (enlargement) is performed at a certified outpatient ambulatory surgery center under general anesthesia. Breast implants filled with either saline or silicone are placed deep to the breast tissue either under, partially under or over the pectoralis muscle. The procedure usually takes an hour to an hour and a half. There are many details to consider to ensure the operation best fits your needs. Many patients may also benefit from a breast lift as well. There are risks to the procedure. Dr. Morrison has been performing breast augmentation surgery for over 23 years and would be happy to personally evaluate whether you are a good candidate and answer all your questions. Click below to schedule a consultation to see if it is right for you.
Breast Reduction
Breast reduction is performed for women with symptomatic macromastia (enlarged breasts) that can cause neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, bra related shoulder grooves, breast pain, headaches and postural changes. Excess breast tissue and excess breast skin is removed to simultaneously reduce and lift the breast. Different techniques are used depending upon the size and amount of excess skin present. If the excess size and skin is severe, free nipple grafting can be used to improve the reliability of the nipple healing. The final breast size is usually a B or C cup. The scars are placed on the lower aspect of the breast making them less visible. I seek the patient’s input regarding preference for the final size. The initial recovery time is usually two weeks at which time patients may resume full activity and exercise. The operation is done at an outpatient surgery center under a general anesthesia and usually takes less than three hours to perform.
Breast Reconstruction
Breast reconstruction is indicated for breast cancer patients. It can be performed at the time of mastectomy or in a delayed fashion. Breast reconstruction has improved over the years with the advancement in technique and technology. Breast reconstruction can be done with implants or skin/muscle flaps or both. The operation is often done in two stages with two operations. The procedure can be done at a hospital or outpatient ambulatory surgery center depending upon the scope of the procedure and is done under general anesthesia. Postoperative radiation may be required and can affect the final results.
Male Breast Reduction/Gynecomastia
Males who develop excess breast tissue and skin are candidates for a male breast reduction. Excess growth of breast tissue can occur around puberty or later in life. The surgery is performed at an outpatient surgery center under a general anesthesia and usually takes less than 2 hours to perform. A combination of liposuctioning with direct removal of excess breast tissue centrally (a small incision around the outer areola minimizes visibility) is often adequate. The breast skin usually tightens naturally without need for skin removal in less severe conditions. If the gynecomastia is more severe, then excess skin may also be removed. Recovery to full activity including exercise is usually two weeks.
Breast Lift/Mastopexy
A Breast lift primarily removes excess skin from breasts that have developed ptosis (droop) over time related to skin type, pregnancy, and weight changes. The breast lift technique applied is determined by how much excess skin is present. The operation can be done in a staged fashion prior to breast augmentation or at the same time with an augmentation depending upon the severity of the ptosis. The healing time takes about two weeks to allow return to full activity including exercise. The procedure is done at an outpatient ambulatory surgery center under a general anesthesia and usually takes less than two hours.
Breast Implant Removal
There are various reasons for breast implant removal with or without replacement. Often over time older implants are no longer desired, contractions develop, and older implants age and breakdown. Radiation can slowly alter a breast implant reconstruction requiring a revision. Dr. Morrison will listen to your concerns and discuss reasonable options with you based upon your goals. Surgery to remove or replace breast implants is done at an outpatient surgery center under general anesthesia. The length of the surgery varies depending upon how many issues are addressed. Recovery to full activity and exercise is around two weeks but can vary.
Breast Asymmetry Equalization
Breast symmetry differences can be associated with congenital conditions or be the result of previous breast surgery and/or radiation. Breast asymmetry can be treated with various methods depending upon the severity of the differences and the causes. The options include breast lift, breast reduction, and breast implant surgery. The process can be adequately accomplished in a single surgery or required staged surgeries.