Body Contouring Surgery
Liposuctioning can be done on the abdomen, thighs, and knees. It can be done along with other procedures such as abdominoplasty and thigh lifts or done by itself. The procedure is done with incisions so small that the scars are nearly invisible. Cannulas are long, thin, hollow wands that are placed under the skin to suck out the excess fat. The procedure is done under general anesthesia. The length of the procedure depends upon the number of areas treated.
Abdominoplasty removes excess skin over the lower abdomen. The procedure can be tailored to each person. It can be done as a mini-abdominoplasty for mild excess skin or done as an extended abdominoplasty for large amounts of excess skin. It is usually performed along with liposuctioning to improve the results. The abdominal muscles are often tightened to further improve the final outcome. Patient recovery and return to full activity and exercise takes about 6 weeks due to the need for the muscle layer to heal fully. The scars are extensive but placed low enough that most fuller cut bikinis will cover the scars.
Brachyplasty is the removal of excess skin of the upper arms longitudinally or horizontally in more limited cases. The longitudinal scars are placed on the inner, posterior arm so that the scars are less visible. The procedure takes about two and a half hours to perform and is done under a general anesthesia at an outpatient surgery center.
Thigh lift
Thigh lifts can be done over the lateral thighs or medial thighs. The procedures are often done after an abdominoplasty is well healed to expand upon the results. The operation is done under a general anesthesia and takes about 3 hours. The recovery is about 4 to 6 weeks due to the deep tissue suturing that is required.